Saturday, June 18, 2011

Introduction to Mom's Pearls

Hey, thank you for stopping by and joining me on the journey we call life. And thanks for spending your precious time reading my blog. Mom's Pearls is my way of sharing wisdom and insight about those situations and conditions in life that a mom of three, now adult, children runs into. I am a Grandma now as well, so I guess that gives me some additional perspective to share with y'all.

The "y'all" is a clue that I am now in the South. I am a transplanted Yankee by way of California, Southerner. I feel pretty well rounded as far as regional perspectives. Not only that, I was raised in the "boondocks" as my grandmother used to refer to it (she was in the "city") and I have lived and worked in San Francisco and Atlanta and traveled to every major city in these United States. Spent a few years in Phoenix too, so throw in some Southwest flavor as well!

I have seen a lot of stuff and done a lot of stuff in my 50+ years and all my children still talk to me and seek my counsel which has lead me to write Mom's Pearls. Many of our conversations start with "Mom, you know how you always told us .........?" and aside from pointing out that I apparently talk a lot, they would actually illustrate how what I had said was helpful and meaningful. It is these little discussions, some not so little, that has inspired Mom's Pearls.

So, thanks again for joining me on this journey we call life. Sit back, kick your shoes off, get a beverage, and let's talk or if you prefer you can just listen. It should be entertaining if not insightful and engaging. Add your two cents and together we will have a wealth of knowledge. Talk to you soon....

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